“Scalps, Dungeon Doors and Salome Paintings”
opening reception on Friday,
1 July, 7-9 pm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps 11/12 (Remember the wonderful days when ‘agency’ sprung from ‘alterity’?)”, 2011
rubber masks, painted paper, paperclips and shoeboxes on card, table
table: 70 x 86,5 x 86,5 cm
boxes: 9,5 x 17 x 28 cm; 12 x 20 x 28 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalp 5 (Remember the wonderful days when ‘the abject’ had the ability to ‘corrode’ hegemony?)”, 2011
rubber mask, painted paper,
pencil and paperclips
dimensions variable,
box: 10 x 16 x 26,5 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalp 6 (Remember the wonderful days when ‘the abject’ had the ability to ‘corrode’ hegemony?)”, 2011
rubber mask, painted paper,
pencil and paperclips
dimensions variable,
box: 9 x 17,5 x 29 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalp 3 (Remember the wonderful days when ‘the abject’ had the ability to ‘corrode’ hegemony?)”, 2011
rubber mask, painted paper,
pencil and paperclips
dimensions variable,
box: 10 x 14 x 29 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps 9/10 (Remember the wonderful days when ‘the pathetic’ was a ‘subversion of power’?)”, 2011
rubber masks, painted paper, paperclips and shoeboxes on card table
table: 70 x 89 x 89 cm
boxes: 10 x 16 x 29 cm; 12 x 18 x 27,5 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011
Richard Hawkins
“Dungeon door: Barbershop
and boy”, 2011
oil on canvas and acrylic on panel
168 x 122 cm
Richard Hawkins
“Scalps, Dungeon Doors
and Salome Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2011