Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
Opening Thursday, 26 October
6-8 pm
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
26 October 2023 - 6 January 2024
Christophe Verfaille (1953-2011) attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Amiens and Paris in 1970-1972 and pursued his artistic formation as a pupil of the print-maker François Leyriz in Paris (1972-76), with whom he also collaborated for radio and TV broadcasts. From 1976 until his death, he gave art classes in various hospitals and non-profit organizations. From 1978 to 1985, he also taught drawing and semiology of art in a Paris high school. Christophe Verfaille was a solitary character, and his technique very slow - each of his paintings on wood, made of innumerable layers of paint that were periodically sanded down, took him years to complete.
Yve-Alain Bois is Professor Emeritus in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He has written extensively on 20th century art, from Matisse, Picasso, and Mondrian to post-war European and American art. He has curated or co-curated several exhibitions, notably of the artists just mentioned as well as “L’informe, mode d’emploi” with Rosalind Krauss at the Centre Pompidou and “Ellsworth Kelly: Early Drawings” at the Fogg Art Museum. He is one of the editors of the journal October and a contributing editor of Artforum. Among other projects, he is currently working on the catalogue raisonné of Ellsworth Kelly’s paintings and sculpture.
This is Galerie Buchholz’ second exhibition of Christophe Verfaille. On the occasion of the first gallery exhibition in Cologne, we produced the catalogue, “Yve-Alain Bois: Christophe Verfaille” (Cologne 2014). Yve-Alain Bois republished his essay from this catalogue in his recent book, “An Oblique Autobiography” (No Place Press, New York/San Francisco 2022).
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, August 1995
2 parts, acrylic on wood
each 10 x 10 x 0.3 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, September 1995 - September 2002
acrylic on wood
60 x 17 x 1.5 cm
Untitled, July 1995 - June 1999
acrylic on wood
17 x 17 x 1 cm
Untitled, October 1993 - November 1996
acrylic on wood
88 x 98 x 1 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, September 1995 - September 1998
acrylic on wood
20 x 15 x 1 cm
Untitled, September 1995 - September 1998
acrylic on wood
20 x 15 x 1 cm
Untitled, October 1995 - (month illegible) 2001
acrylic on wood
64.5 x 59 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, September 1997 - November 2001
acrylic on wood
35 x 5 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, April 1994 - January 1993
acrylic on wood
15 x 15 x 1 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, December 1992 - January 1993 - July 1994
acrylic on wood
49 x 11.5 x 1 cm
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, September 1994 - May 1998
acrylic on wood
49.5 x 39 x 0.3 cm
Untitled, November 1994 - December 1996
acrylic on wood
29.5 x 20.5 x 0.3 cm
Untitled, July 1995 - September 1996
acrylic on wood
197 x 97 x 1 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, July 1992 - May 1993
acrylic on wood
50 x 51.5 cm
Untitled, December 1992 - January 1994
acrylic on wood
15 x 15 x 0.9 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Exhibition curated by Yve-Alain Bois
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, September 1999 - November 2001
acrylic on wood
34 x 25.6 x 0.4 cm
Untitled, July 1995 - September 1995
acrylic on wood
94 x 97 x 1 cm
Untitled, September 1995 - September 2002
acrylic on wood
42 x 34 x 0.9 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, April 1990 - August 1990
acrylic on wood
23 x 12.5 x 1 cm
Untitled, October 1995 - September 2002
acrylic on wood
70 x 60 x 1 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, August 1995 - November 1997
acrylic on wood
35 x 37 x 1.9 cm
Untitled, August 1990 - April 1992
acrylic on wood
110 x 105 x 1.8 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, August 1990 - April 1992
acrylic on wood
110 x 105 x 1.8 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023
Christophe Verfaille
Untitled, August 1990 - September 1994
acrylic on wood
60.5 x 60 cm
installation view
Galerie Buchholz, New York 2023