Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”

14 September 2018 -
13 October 2018

opening reception on Friday, 14 September, 7-9 pm


Richard Hawkins


“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”


14. September
- 13. Oktober 2018
Eröffnung am Freitag, 14. September, 19-21 Uhr


Wir freuen uns, die 11. Einzelausstellung von Richard Hawkins (geboren 1961, lebt und arbeitet in Los Angeles) in unserer Galerie anzukündigen. In den Räumen im ersten Stock zeigt Richard Hawkins eine Installation von zwei neuen Werkgruppen, den “Collage Paintings” und den “Gesture Paintings”. Bruce Hainley hat zu der Ausstellung einen begleitenden Essay mit dem Titel “Kouros by Yves Saint-Laurent” geschrieben.


“[…] The painting operates as a codex-machine about a history of painting and art-making, Hawkins’s own but also the medium from modernity to now, and each of its pictures synchronizes various hot points or flashes in that history. I.e., Axl Rose suggests Appetite for Destruction or Use Your Illusion as imperatives for how to begin considering the pictures assembled, which is to say, more than an example of what it means to be head-banging, a dialogue between destruction and illusion, a dialogue at the core of collage, modernism’s rowdiness, and these paintings’ facture (arranging the boys like so many flowers in a vase, removing them, painting around them, on top of them, revising or scrapping the result until some prime stasis is achieved). Morandi’s still lifes provide a commentary on the solitary artist returning again and again to what fascinates him, however many times and in however many manners he’s already depicted it (them). The Greco-Roman hunks, an insistence on lust as a foundational impulse of and/or raison d’être for art-making; classical fundaments; figuring out what a body is and what’s to be done with it; cram session on the relation between things and people, people as things. […]”


Auszug aus Bruce Hainley, “Kouros by Yves Saint-Laurent”, 2018

Richard Hawkins


“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”


14 September
- 13 October 2018
opening reception on Friday, 14 September, 7-9 pm


Galerie Buchholz is proud to announce the 11th solo show of Richard Hawkins (born 1961, lives and works in Los Angeles) at our gallery. In the first floor gallery space, Richard Hawkins presents an installation of two new groups of work, the “Collage Paintings” and the “Gesture Paintings”. Bruce Hainley has written an essay to accompany this exhibition titled “Kouros by Yves Saint Laurent”.


“[…] The painting operates as a codex-machine about a history of painting and art-making, Hawkins’s own but also the medium from modernity to now, and each of its pictures synchronizes various hot points or flashes in that history. I.e., Axl Rose suggests Appetite for Destruction or Use Your Illusion as imperatives for how to begin considering the pictures assembled, which is to say, more than an example of what it means to be head-banging, a dialogue between destruction and illusion, a dialogue at the core of collage, modernism’s rowdiness, and these paintings’ facture (arranging the boys like so many flowers in a vase, removing them, painting around them, on top of them, revising or scrapping the result until some prime stasis is achieved). Morandi’s still lifes provide a commentary on the solitary artist returning again and again to what fascinates him, however many times and in however many manners he’s already depicted it (them). The Greco-Roman hunks, an insistence on lust as a foundational impulse of and/or raison d’être for art-making; classical fundaments; figuring out what a body is and what’s to be done with it; cram session on the relation between things and people, people as things. […]”


Excerpt from Bruce Hainley, “Kouros by Yves Saint Laurent”, 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Bee’s Bumble”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
155 x 124.5 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Mystery Cult of Harpocrates”, 2018
collage and acrylic on panel
101.5 x 76 x 2.5 cm

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Commotion”, 2018
collage, acrylic and oil stick on panel
104 x 78.5 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“The Confectionaries”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
124.5 x 94 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“A Painting Which Serves as Bait for Young and Beautiful Souls: Beware”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
165 x 124.5 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Moctoprancy”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
124.5 x 94 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Monster’s Bliss”, 2018
collage and acrylic on panel
162.5 x 122 x 2.5 cm

Richard Hawkins

“Affectionate Canaries”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
155.5 x 124.5 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Purple Melody”, 2018
collage and acrylic on panel
101.5 x 76 x 2.5 cm

Richard Hawkins

“Proctomancy”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
124.5 x 94 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Jean Patch”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
124.5 x 94 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)

Richard Hawkins

“Golden Calf”, 2018
collage and acrylic on panel
162.5 x 122 x 2.5 cm

Richard Hawkins

“Collage Paintings, Gesture Paintings”
installation view Galerie Buchholz, Berlin 2018

Richard Hawkins

“Uncials”, 2018
oil stick and collage on panel
124.5 x 94 x 3.8 cm (in artist frame)