Claes Oldenburg
Jack Smith
2025, 24 pages, illustrated in b/w and color, Owrps, 25,5 x 17 cm
Euro 12,-
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Claes Oldenburg / Jack Smith at Christophstraße 18 in spring 2024, this pamphlet contains a new text by Michael Sanchez.
Isa Genzken
2024, 330 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 30 x 21,5 cm
Euro 45,-
This comprehensive catalogue documents the installation of Isa Genzken’s eponymous exhibition at Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin (13 July - 27 November 2023). Alongside many photographs, the catalogue assembles texts by Dieter Schwarz, Sabine Breitwieser, Manfred Hermes, Tom McDonough, Juliane Rebentisch, Isa Genzken, conversations with Isa Genzken and Wolfgang Tillmans, and Isa Genzken and Diedrich Diederichsen, a preface by Klaus Biesenbach and Lisa Botti, and a new essay by Diedrich Diederichsen. The texts are in German or English language. The catalogue is designed by Julie Peeters, edited by Daniel Buchholz and Christopher Müller, and published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König and Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin.
Curtis Cuffie
2023, 257 pages, fully illustrated in b/w and color,
Owrps, 28 x 19 cm
Euro 38,-
Edited by Ciarán Finlayson, Scott Portnoy, Robert Snowden and designed by Julie Peeters, this photobook is the first publication on Curtis Cuffie. It seeks to honor the artist by collecting the efforts of two of his partners: Carol Thompson, who lived with Cuffie from 1996 to 2001 and archived a great number of his 35mm photographs, and Katy Abel, a Cooper Square resident who took hundreds of snapshots of his art as it was seen on the streets. The book features writing by the artist, Ciarán Finlayson, and Alan Moore, and additional images taken by Tom Warren and Margaret Morton. It is published by Blank Forms Editions with support from Galerie Buchholz.
The Books and Life of Raymond Roussel
2023, 307 pages, hardcover, dustjacket,
fully illustrated in color and b/w, 27,5 x 20 cm
Euro 48,-
The Books and Life of Raymond Roussel is a biographic and bibliographic study of the French author Raymond Roussel (1877-1933). It was researched and written by the art historian Michael Sanchez. The book takes the form of an inventory of every known state of every edition of Roussel’s lifetime publications. Interwoven into this bibliographic data are texts that analyze the relationship between Roussel’s literary procedures, the material construction of his books, and his life. The book also includes a list of primary and secondary literature related to Roussel.
Peter Fischli
Wir Ungestalten
2022, 52 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 29,7 x 32,4 cm
Euro 28,-
This publication is released in conjunction with Peter Fischli’s exhibition “12 Arbeiten ohne Titel” at Galerie Buchholz Cologne. It presents collages based on photographs taken throughout Zurich. For the past three years, the artist has documented peculiar “remnants of nocturnal revelry”: cars, park benches, and building façades sprayed with shaving foam - easily removable vandalistic interventions into the urban fabric, gestures of infinitesimal subversion. The foam figments are formless, lacking both definite shape and durable substance.
Vincent Fecteau
Florian Pumhösl
I hear the ancient music of works and works, yes, that’s it.
2022, 69 pages, hardcover, dust jacket, fully illustrated in color,
25,5 x 22 cm
Euro 35,-
This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibitions at the Schindler House/MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles and at our gallery in Berlin. It is designed by Florian Pumhösl and contains images of the installation at Schindler House and documentation of the exhibited works along with an introductory text by MAK curator Bärbel Vischer and a conversation between Vincent Fecteau and Florian Pumhösl.
Michael Krebber
Catalogue Raisonné
Volume I
2022, 608 pages, hardcover, dustjacket,
fully illustrated in color and b/w, 28,5 x 21 cm
Euro 120,-
This first volume of the Michael Krebber catalogue raisonné compiles the artist’s work in all media from 1972 to 2000. Prepared by Michael Sanchez, the book includes photographs, material descriptions, and provenance of Krebber’s paintings, works on paper, and film from this period. In addition to an introduction and short texts on individual works, the catalogue raisonné features a full biography, bibliography, and extensive documentation of his early exhibitions, many of which have not been published before. This book is co-published by Galerie Buchholz, Greene Naftali and the Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.
Mathias Poledna
May June ’22
Fine Important Post War and Contemporary
2022, 12 pages, illustrated in b/w and color, Owrps, 23 x 26 cm
Euro 12,-
Illustrated brochure conceived and designed by Mathias Poledna to accompany his exhibition at Galerie Buchholz, Cologne. Alongside few reproductions of exhibited works, the publication contains poems by René Char which were set to music in “Le Marteau Sans Maître” by Pierre Boulez.
Ulla Wiggen
2022, 108 pages, hardcover, fully illustrated in color, 30 x 26 cm
Euro 47,-
First monograph on the artist Ulla Wiggen. This comprehensive catalogue contains new texts by Daniel Birnbaum, Peter Cornell, Sabeth Buchmann, and Caleb Considine. The publication reproduces nearly all of the artist’s paintings since 1963 and is co-published with Art & Theory in Stockholm.
Jutta Koether
How goes it?
2022, envelope with 10 cards, illustrated in color and b/w,
15 x 22.5 cm
Euro 18,-
Catalogue accompanying Jutta Koether’s exhibition How goes it? at Galerie Buchholz, Cologne in September 2021. This orange envelope contains 5 color plate reproductions of the paintings featured in the exhibition, alongside 5 black and white text cards with a written correspondence between Sabeth Buchmann and the artist. The publication is available in both German and English editions.
Michael Oppitz
Shamans of the Blind Country
A Picture book from the Himalaya
2021, 384 pages, hardcover, dust jacket, fully illustrated in b/w,
23 x 28,5 cm
2021, 384 pages, owrps, fully illustrated in b/w, 23 x 28,5 cm
Euro 58,- (hardcover) / Euro 48,- (softcover)
This book focuses on the extraordinary mythical traditions and ritual practices in a remote community in the Himalayan mountains, studied over a long period of field research by Michael Oppitz. It is the English version of his German original, first published in 1981 by Syndikat Verlag under the title “Schamanen im Blinden Land,” which has long since been out of print. That book came out in parallel to a film of the same name, today considered a classic. Now appearing in English as “Shamans of the Blind Country. A picture book from the Himalaya” the new version extends the old by more than a third of the original documentary photographs; it traces the historical changes that have transformed this mountainous region of Nepal over the last four decades in an extensive epilogue; and it suggests a wider context of ritual healing in the Himalaya by appending a selection of early pictures of shamanism in Siberia. This English version is published in both hardcover and softcover editions.
Uwe Gabriel
Fotografien für das Plakat von
Aktion Pisskrücke
Geheimdienst am Nächsten
2021, 42 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in b/w, 30 x 20 cm
Euro 18,-
This publication edited by Michael Krebber features 22 photographs by Uwe Gabriel that were made in 1980 for the poster of the exhibition “Aktion Pisskrücke - Geheimdienst am Nächsten” that took place the same year in Hamburg. Accompanying the photographs is an introductory text by Michael Sanchez.
Vincent Fecteau
2021, 96 p., Owrps., dust jacket, fully illustrated in color,
22,5 x 17,5 cm
Euro 35,-
This catalogue is published on the occasion of Vincent Fecteau’s exhibition at the Wattis Institute in San Francisco in the fall of 2019. Along with a group of new sculptures by Vincent Fecteau, the exhibition also featured two works by Lutz Bacher. The catalogue includes texts by Anthony Huberman, who curated the exhibition, Don Potts, Renny Pritikin and Fanny Singer.
Marie Laurencin
2021, 48 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 29,5 x 21 cm
Euro 20,-
This catalogue documents the Marie Laurencin exhibition organized by Jelena Kristic at Galerie Buchholz New York in Spring 2020. Alongside numerous illustrations of the exhibited works, the book features texts by Hirohisa Takano-Yoshizawa, director of the Musée Marie Laurencin, Tokyo, and the curator Jelena Kristic. The book is designed by Mathias Poledna.
Mathias Poledna
2021, 102 pages, Owrps, slipcase, fully illustrated in color with foldout pages, 29 x 21,9 cm
Euro 38,-
This catalogue is conceived around Mathias Poledna’s film “Indifference”. Designed by the artist, the book includes a new essay by Diedrich Diederichsen in German and English, reference images for the film, and installation views of Mathias Poledna’s most recent exhibition at Galerie Buchholz New York. The book is co-published with MUMOK - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther and Franz König.
Moyra Davey & Peter Hujar
The Shabbiness of Beauty
2021, 128 pages, hardcover, fully illustrated in b/w and color,
17 x 24 cm
Euro 40,-
This book originated out of an exhibition that Moyra Davey organized at Galerie Buchholz in Berlin. For this, Moyra Davey delved into Peter Hujar’s archives and emerged mainly with little-known, scarcely seen images. In response to these, Davey created her own images that draw out an idiosyncratic selection of shared subjects. Side by side, the powerfully composed images admire, tease, and enhance one another in the manner of fierce friends, forming a visual exploration of physicality and sexuality that crackles with wit, tenderness, and perspicacity. Spiritually anchored in New York City - even as they range out to rural corners of Quebec and Pennsylvania - these images crystallize tensions between city and country, human and animal. Nudes pose with unruly chickens; human bodies are abstracted toward topography; seascapes and urban landscapes share the same tremulous plasticity. These continuities are punctuated by stark differences of approach: Davey’s self-aware postmodernism against Hujar’s humanism and embrace of darkroom manipulation. The rich dialogue between these photographs is personal and angular, ultimately offering an illuminating reintroduction to each artist through communion with the other’s work. The book contains a new text by Eileen Myles and is published by Mack Books, London.
Silke Otto-Knapp
In the Waiting Room
2021, 134 pages, original wrapper, fully illustrated in b/w and color, foldouts, 26,5 x 22,5 cm
EUR 35,-
This new publication revisits Silke Otto-Knapp’s exhibition at the Renaissance Society that took place in Spring 2020 with installation shots and large images of individual works on foldout pages. It contains new essays by Carol Armstrong, Darby English, Rachel Hann, and Catriona MacLeod, as well as a conversation between Otto-Knapp and curator Solveig Øvstebø. The book is published by The Renaissance Society at the University Chicago.
Marcus Behmer
“Selbstportrait, Florenz 12. Mai 1906”
2021, paper bag for Antiquariat Buchholz
41 x 30,5 cm
Wolfgang Tillmans
“Saturated Light”
2021, 416 pages, hardcover, fully illustrated in color,
25,5 x 25,5 cm
Euro 38,-
This new artist’s book is dedicated exclusively to Wolfgang Tillmans’ ‘Silver’ works. The book gives a comprehensive overview of these abstract works, from their first appearance in the artist’s oeuvre in the early 90’s through to today. It includes a new text by Tom Holert on this body of work, as well as a conversation between Wolfgang Tillmans and the photo engineer Klaus Pollmeier, who met in the artist’s studio and discussed the photo-technical details, observations, chance operations and unintentional accidents that are at work in the formation process of the ‘Silver’ pictures. It is available in both German and English editions. Kindly supported by Stiftung Kunstfonds NEUSTART KULTUR.
Juliane Rebentisch
Camp Materialism
2020, 64 pages, Owrps, with reproductions in color, 18 x 12 cm
Euro 12,-
This publication contains the German philosopher Juliane Rebentisch’s seminal text “Camp Materialism. Natural History in Jack Smith” revised by the author and presented together with a new addendum “A note on Camp Ridiculousness”. The texts appear in both German and English.
Lucy McKenzie
Prime Suspect
2020, 336 pages, hardcover, fully illustrated in color,
27,5 x 22 cm
EUR 49,80,-
This comprehensive catalogue is published on the occasion of Lucy McKenzie’s survey exhibition at Museum Brandhorst in Munich and Tate Liverpool. The catalogue, edited by Jacob Proctor, contains new texts by Jacob Proctor, Mason Leaver-Yap, Anne Pontégnie, Leah Pires and a short story by Lucy McKenzie. The catalogue is published in both German and English language editions by Museum Brandhorst and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.
Richard Hawkins
My Own Personal Bess
2020, 32 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, silkscreened cover, 27,5 x 19,8 cm
Euro 18,-
For his artist’s book “My Own Personal Bess” Richard Hawkins has overlaid reproductions of Forrest Bess’s paintings into pages of the seminal 1981 Texas Monthly article “His Name Was Forrest Bess” by Michael Ennis. This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Forrest Bess at Fridericianum, Kassel. It contains full bleed images of 12 collages together with a text by Richard Hawkins.
Jutta Koether
2020, 104 pages, Owrps, leporello, fully illustrated in color,
29 x 21 cm
Euro 29,80
Jutta Koether’s new artist book, “Libertine”, documents and interprets her eponymous exhibition at Museum Abteiberg, a major installation that delved into the museum’s history. The artist designed the book, presenting her latest series of paintings from 2018 to 2020 and their intersection with central works in the collection of Museum Abteiberg. The second part of the book contains a dossier of materials from Jutta Koether’s studio. New texts by Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Jenny Nachtigall and Nathan Stobaugh and Susanne Titz offer a comprehensive art historical exploration. The book is publsihed by Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.
Isa Genzken
Projects for Outside
2020, 192 pages, hardcover, dust jacket, fully illustrated in color, 28 x 24 cm
Euro 48,-
The book introduces Isa Genzken’s complete 42 projects for outdoor sculptures, from the years 1984-2016. Each project is extensively illustrated, with accompanying texts by Manfred Hermes both in German and English. In addition, the book contains an introductory text by Susanne Kleine (also in German and English), which was written for the exhibition “Isa Genzken: Models for Outdoor Projects”, held at the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn in 2016.
Sergej Jensen & Magnus Schaefer
2020, music CD, 22′
Edition 300
Euro 15,-
This CD contains seven tracks that artist Sergej Jensen recorded with Magnus Schaefer in New York between 2017 and 2018. The tracks were first played at the opening of Sergej Jensen’s 2018 exhibition at Galerie Buchholz New York. In 2019, the recordings were mastered at the studio of Gordon Pohl in Düsseldorf.
Cerith Wyn Evans
“…the Illuminating Gas”
2020, 260 pages, hardcover, fully illustrated, 29 x 24,5 cm
Euro 45,-
This comprehensive catalogue is published on the occasion of Cerith Wyn Evans exhibition “…the Illuminating Gas” in the fall of 2019 at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca. The catalogue contains essays by Briony Fer, Éric Alliez and Alexander Garcia Düttmann.
Otto Meyer-Amden
2019, 32 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 29,5 x 21 cm
Euro 15,-
This brochure for the exhibition Otto Meyer-Amden “Vorbereitung” at Galerie Buchholz New York contains a new essay by Dieter Schwarz, alongside color plates of all exhibited works. It is available in both German and English editions.
Mark Leckey
O’Magic Power of Bleakness
2019, 130 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 24,5 x 18,5 cm
Euro 24,-
Comprehensive catalogue for Mark Leckey’s solo exhibition at Tate Britain in London with contributions by Ed Atkins, Elsa Coustou, Roy Claire Potter, Clarrie Wallis and Catherine Wood.
Monica Majoli
“Primary Materials for Black Mirror”
2021, 104 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color,
26 x 17,5 cm
Euro 30,-
This artist’s book completes Monica Majoli’s Black Mirror series and acts as a pendant to the suite of paintings and works on paper produced from 2009-2012 and exhibited at L&M Arts in Los Angeles, 2012-2013. This particular series is based on the black mirror panels of Majoli’s bedroom, reflecting the half-images of five lovers from her past (over the timespan of twenty-five years). The book’s photographs are both source material and event. They depict an intimate performance between the artist and her subject as reflected in the dark mirrored surface that the camera captures.
Poet, novelist and cultural critic Wayne Koestenbaum contributed nine texts to the book. His feuilletons or soap operas act as a disorienting, poetic, and freewheeling counterpoint of conjecture to the photographs. The book also examines creating the material for the paintings in an extended interview between Majoli and independent writer and critic Sabrina Tarasoff.
The book is published in collaboration with Air de Paris.
Rainald Goetz
2019, poster, offset print, 59,5 x 63 cm
Euro 10,-
A poster with the transcript of Rainald Goetz’s presentation of the English translation of his novel “Insane” on the occasion of the exhibition opening for the group exhibition “Hölle” in September 2018 at Galerie Buchholz New York.
Alvin Baltrop
“The Life and Times of Alvin Baltrop”
2019, 254 pages, hardcover, 28,5 x 24,5 cm
out of print
This comprehensive catalogue is published on the occasion of Alvin Baltrop’s retrospective at the Bronx Museum of the Arts in New York “The Life and Times of Alvin Baltrop”, featuring essays by Antonio Sergio Bessa, Douglas Crimp, Adrienne Edwards, Allen Frame, and Mia Kang. The catalogue is published by Skira.
Tony Conrad
2019, 575 pages, Owrps, 19 x 12,5 cm
Euro 24,-
This publication is the first collection of Tony Conrad’s writings. Edited by Constance DeJong and Andrew Lampert, the book spans the years 1961-2012 and includes fifty-seven pieces: essays originally published in small press magazines, exhibition catalogues, anthologies, and album liner notes, along with other previously unpublished texts. Conrad writes about his own works: The Flicker, Loose Connection, Four Violins, Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals, Early Minimalism, Yellow Movies, Slapping Pythagoras, and Music and the Mind of the World; as well as on the work of his peers: Tony Oursler, Jack Smith, Rhys Chatham, and Henry Flynt, among others. He devotes critical essays to horology, neurolinguistics, and the historical development of Western music, television advertising and camouflage. He also writes on media activism, network communications, censorship, and the political and cultural implications of corporate and global media. The book is published by Primary Information.
Henrik Olesen
2019, 222 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated, 27 x 22 cm
out of print
Catalogue for Henrik Olesen’s survey exhibition at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Madrid with new essays by Helena Tatay, Lars Bang Larsen, Paul B. Preciado and Dodie Bellamy. The catalogue is available in both English and Spanish editions.
Richard Hawkins
Secret Passage Six
2019, 42 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color,
24,8 x 19,6 cm
out of print
Secret Passage 6:
Bonnard, Villiegle, Twomboy, WSB, FBess, Hatchet Kai, Picabia, thirst trapgedies, all some young dudes, religious conversion therapy, Moreau, Teenage Moster Makeup, I touched up a Martha Rosler, TFaulk update, yetceterea
self-published 2019 by richard hawkins and Galerie Buchholz
Richard Hawkins
scrt pssge 5
2019, 44 pages Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 24,8 x 19,6 cm
Euro 20,-
Secret Passage No 5:
Pronstar Tragegasms, Hartley, Picabia, Tom Faulk, Malouf, D-C Danger,
W.S.B. & Various Celebrititties
Addtl Photography by Pflevack & Ralderson
+ Dali, Dieter Roth, Peter Saul, Schiele, Bellmer, Schnabel, Robert Smith & Yokai
self-published 2019 richard hawkins & Galerie Buchholz
Richard Hawkins
2018, 38 pages Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 24,8 x 19,6 cm
out of print
Secret Passage IV:
Burroughs in Blueboy, Auden in FUCK YOU magazine (ca. 1963),
noted G4$ misfortunes, Harold Norse collages (date),
“Delectable Parts” & misc. pictorial embelandishments
self-published 2018 richard hawkins & Galerie Buchholz
Richard Hawkins
2018, 22 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 24,8 x 19,6 cm
out of print
an assembly of found images d’loaded from teenidols in 1998 & which incorporate all the artist’s dreamy teenage pleasure, cringing inevitabilities & fore-doomed eventualities circa 1979.
published ’18 rric hard hawk inss & Galerie Buchholz
Lutz Bacher
“Open the Kimono”
2018, 312 pages, Owrps, 30,5 x 22,5 cm
Euro 28,-
“Open the Kimono” is a chronological record of some remarks from cable TV ads movies news radio novels airplanes subways sidewalks and elevators from 2013-2018.
Jutta Koether
“Tour de Madame”
2018, 372 pages, cloth-bound, dust jacket, fully illustrated in color, 30,4 x 25,8 cm
Euro 49.80,-
This comprehensive catalogue is published on the occasion of Jutta Koether’s survey exhibition at Museum Brandhorst in Munich and Musee d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg. The catalogue, edited by Achim Hochdörfer and Tonio Kröner, contains new texts by Michael Sanchez, Anne M. Wagner, Achim Hochdörfer, Branden W. Joseph, Manuela Ammer, Julia Gelshorn, Tonio Kröner, and Benjamin H.D. Buchhloh. The catalogue is published in both German and English language editions.
Tony Conrad
“Introducing Tony Conrad: A Retrospective”
2018, 250 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 28 x 19 cm
EUR 39.80,-
This comprehensive catalogue is published on the occasion of Tony Conrad’s retrospective at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (2018), MIT List Visual Arts Center and Carpenter Center for Visual Arts, Harvard University (2018/2019) and ICA, University of Pennsylvania (2019).
Tomma Abts
Untitled #1-7, 2016
2018, Owrps, 14,8 x 10,6 cm, leporello, fully illustrated in color, unfolded 14,8 x 73,5 cm
This leporello is published on the occasion of the exhibition of Tomma Abts at our Berlin gallery in 2017. It animates the artist’s 7 part series of drawings Untitled #1-7, 2016 as a sequence.
Julie Ault
“In Part: Writings”
2017, 272 pages, hardcover, dust jacket, 23,5 x 16 cm
USD 32.50,-
Spanning more than three decades, “In Part” brings together a full spectrum of the New York-based artist, writer and activist Julie Ault’s published texts through selected extracts in a single volume. Reprinted in chronological sequence alongside a selection of full-length texts, this series of excerpts offers a timeline of Ault’s artistic development, longstanding political concerns and dynamic interpersonal affinities. The book is edited by Julie Ault and Nicolas Linnert and has an introductory text by Lucy R. Lippard. The book is published in collaboration of Dancing Foxes Press and Galerie Buchholz.
Moyra Davey
“Les Goddesses / Hemlock Forest”
2017, 125 pages, fully illustrated in color and b/w, Owrps,
24 x 16 cm
USD 29.95,-
This latest book by the artist Moyra Davey is based on two related group of works, Les Goddesses (2011) and Hemlock Forest (2016), which each take form through text, photography, and film. Layering introspection and personal narratives with meditations on the lives and works of other writers, filmmakers, and artists—ranging from 18th-century feminist writer and activist Mary Wollstonecraft to Chantal Akerman, and Moyra Davey’s own five sisters. The book is conceived and published in collaboration with the artist and Dancing Foxes Press. The book contains, alongside numerous reproductions, an introductory text by Aveek Sen and transcriptions of the texts for both film projects by the artist.
Mathias Poledna
2017, 132 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, slipcase,
31 x 23,5 cm
USD 45,-
This catalogue documents Mathias Poledna’s exhibition at the Renaissance Society in Chicago in 2014/2015. Conceived and designed by the artist, it features new essays by Amy Knight Powell, Bennett Simpson and Andrew Weiner.
Michael Krebber
2017, design for plastic shopping bag for Antiquariat Buchholz
44,5 x 38 cm
Michael Krebber
“The Living Wedge. Part I”
2017, 152 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 28 x 21,5 cm
Euro 24.80,-
This two part publication documents the survey exhibition of Michael Krebber under the same title that took place at the Museo de Serralves, Porto and the Kunsthalle Bern in 2016/2017. Part I contains, beside the directors’ forewords, color plates of all exhibited works.
Michael Krebber
“The Living Wedge. Part II”
2017, 160 pages, with 47 color plates, Owrps, 28 x 21,5 cm
Euro 24.80,-
This two part publication documents the survey exhibition of Michael Krebber under the same title that took place at the Museo de Serralves, Porto and the Kunsthalle Bern in 2016/2017. Part II contains new essays by Valérie Knoll, Hans-Christian Dany, João Ribas and Manfred Hermes as well as the works list for the works depicted in Part I. Additionally Part II features color plates of the drawing series “Flat Finish 1-47”.
Loretta Fahrenholz
“Recently Deleted”
2017, 88 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 30,5 x 21,5 cm
Edition 1000
Euro 28,-
This artist book is a collaboration between Loretta Fahrenholz and Bill Hayden. The book contains texts by Gili Tal and Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (Poem “Xray”). The book is published on the occasion of the exhibitions “Two A.M.” at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and Galerie Buchholz, Berlin.
Jutta Koether
“Zodiac Nudes“
2016, 212 pages, xeroxed artist book
28,3 x 20,2 cm
Edition of 50
signed & numbered
out of print
Xeroxed artist book published on the occasion of Jutta Koether’s exhibition “Zodiac Nudes” at our Berlin gallery in September 2016.
Mark Leckey
“Dream English Kid, 1964 - 1999 AD”
2016, 18 pages, xeroxed artist book, 21 x 15 cm
Xeroxed booklet, produced by Mark Leckey to accompany his exhibition at Galerie Buchholz Berlin in Spring 2016.
Anne Imhof
“Brand New Gods”
2016, one-sided 12inch vinyl in sleeve
Edition 300
out of print
“Brand New Gods” is the first track by artist Anne Imhof on a one-sided 12inch vinyl record.
Vincent Fecteau
“you have did the right
thing when you put that
skylight in”
2016, 150 pages, cloth-bound, fully illustrated, 24 x 21 cm
Edition 1000
Euro 48,-
This catalogue is published on the occasion of Vincent Fecteau’s solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Basel in 2015. In addition to numerous reproductions of the exhibited works the book contains a new essay by Bruce Hainley.
Lucy McKenzie
“After Inspired by an Atlas of Leprosy”
2016, 42 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated, 27 x 21 cm
Edition 800
Euro 20,-
This artist’s book is published on the occasion of two exhibitions by Lucy McKenzie, one at our gallery in Berlin and the other at our New York gallery. The book takes the form of an inventory from an estate sale. It lists all items and describes them with faux provenances and sources.
Lutz Bacher
“Shit For Brains”
2015, 404 pages, Owrps, 30,3 x 22,7 cm
Edition 800
Euro 38,-
Lutz Bacher wrote this novel in August 2010 in California.
Phantom Ghost
“A Songbook“
2014, folder with 22 musical scores, 29,7 × 21cm
Edition 500 Ex.
Euro 40,-
This folder contains 22 musical scores by Phantom Ghost (Thies Mynther/Dirk von Lowtzow) and is illustrated with images of a collaborative painting by Cosima von Bonin, Sergej Jensen and Michael Krebber.
Yve-Alain Bois
“Christophe Verfaille”
2014, 64 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 23 x 17,5 cm
Edition 800
Euro 20,-
First monograph on the artist Christophe Verfaille (1953-2011) with a new essay by Yve-Alain Bois both in English and German.
Isa Genzken
“Early Works”
2014, 160 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 25,3 x 18 cm
Edition 1000
Euro 32,-
This catalogue is published on the occasion of Isa Genzken’s exhibition “Early Works” that took place in our Berlin gallery in 2013. The book contains a new essay by B.H.D. Buchloh, both in English and in German as well as an extensive documentation on the artist’s early work starting in the late 1960s.
Special edition: Catalogue in slipcase with signed inkjet print. Ex. 10
Isa Genzken
“Berlin, 1973”
2013, artist book facsimile, 78 pages, b/w images, mounted on cardboard, linen binding, slipcase, 20 x 30 x 7,5 cm
Edition 100, sign. & num.
out of print
“Berlin, 1973” is the facsimile of an artist book by Isa Genzken with 78 b/w photographs from street vistas and architecture in Berlin of which the artist had produced a prototype in 1973.
Lucy McKenzie
2013, design for plastic shopping bag for Antiquariat Buchholz
44,5 x 38 cm
Cheyney Thompson
2013, 192 pages, fully illustrated in colour, Owrps,
30,5 x 24,5 cm
Euro 38,-
This catalogue presents the first extensive overview on the work of Cheyney Thompson. Alongside images and documentation from Thompson’s various bodies of work, this book features new essays by Joao Ribas, Yve-Alain Bois, Ann Lauterbach and Simon Baier.
Sam Lewitt
“Fluid Employment”
2013, 80 pages, fully illustrated in colour, Owrps,
24,4 x 19,2 cm
Euro 20,-
“Fluid Employment,” the first monograph on the artist Sam Lewitt, focuses on his installation for the 2012 Whitney Biennial and includes texts by Alex Kitnick and Nathan Brown. The book is copublished by Galerie Buchholz, Miguel Abreu and König Books.
Julie Ault/Heinz Peter Knes/Danh Vo/Martin Wong
“I·M·U U·R·2”
2013, 208 pages, fully illustrated in colour, Owrps,
17,8 x 22,8 cm
Euro 38,-
This new publication documents the collection of the artist Martin Wong. In numerous colour illustrations, photographs that Heinz Peter Knes took together with Danh Vo, the book depicts the interiors of the Wong Fie family residency in San Francisco filled with paintings, sculptures, and mulitfaceted objects from very specific and diverse fields of interest such as asian antiques and americana that Martin Wong followed and collected together with his parents throughout is life. The book contains a new essay by Julie Ault.
René Pollesch
“Der Schnittchenkauf”
2012, 96 pages, Owrps, 17,8 x 11,8 cm
out of print
This new book is the first publication of writings by the Berlin based theater director René Pollesch. The book is published on the occasion of the exhibition at our Berlin gallery in December 2011.
Jack Smith
Antonius Höckelmann
gezeigt von
Michael Krebber
& Sebastian Höckelmann
2012, 48 pages, fully illustrated in colour, Owrps, silkscreened cover, 21,3 x 22,5 cm
Euro 18,-
This publication documents an exhibition that took place in 2010 in the window of our antiquarian bookstore. Michael Krebber presented here in collaboration with Sebastian Höckelmann works by Antonius Höckelmann and Jack Smith. The book contains a new text by Michael Krebber in German and English.
Julian Göthe
“You are living in a world of magic.”
2011, 168 pages, fully illustrated in b/w and colour, Owrps,
27 x 19 cm
Euro 22,-
This new publication is the first comprehensive catalogue on the work of Julian Göthe. It presents an overview of his work and is published on the occasion of Julian Göthe’s solo exhibition at Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover. The publication is produced in collaboration with Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln and Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover.
Julian Göthe
“Pot Party”
2011, music CD, 75′ 11”
This music CD has been compiled by Julian Göthe as his contribution to the group exhibition “Quodlibet III - Alphabets and Instruments” at our gallery in Berlin in September 2011.
Peter Abs
“Music for Alphabets and Instruments I & II”
2011, 2 music CDs, CD I: 61′ 57”, CD II: 75′ 08”
These two music CDs have been compiled by Peter Abs as a contribution to the group exhibition “Quodlibet III - Alphabets and Instruments” at our gallery in Berlin in September 2011.
Simon Denny
“Cruise Line”
2011, 80 pages, fully illustrated in b/w, Owrps, 28 x 21,5 cm
The book is shrink-wrapped and contains 4 postcards.
Euro 24,-
This artist book accompanies Simon Denny’s installation with the same title, that was first shown at Neuer Aachener Kunstverein. For this occasion new essays by Norman M. Klein and Mark von Schlegell have been commissioned. The book is published in collaboration with Neuer Aachener Kunstverein and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln.
Simon Denny
“Video Aquarium Broadcast”
2010, 268 pages, fully illustrated in colour and b/w, Owrps,
19 x 13,2 cm
Edition 1000
out of print
This new publication is the first comprehensive book on the work of Simon Denny. In the size of a standardized DVD cover the book features an illustrated overview on Simon Denny’s exhibitions from 2008 to 2010, additional texts by Nicolas Ceccaldi, Simon Pound and an interview with the artist by Dan Arps. The publication is produced in collaboration with Michael Lett.
Mathias Poledna
2010, 52 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 31,4 x 31,4 cm, with supplement booklet, 25,4 x 25,4 cm
Edition 800
Euro 25,-
This new publication documents Mathias Poledna’s 2004 film installation “Version”. The publication features a monographic essay by Juliane Rebentisch on the work and its companion piece, “Sufferers’ Version”. Conceived and designed by Mathias Poledna the publication takes on the form of a double LP-sleeve with an insert of large-scale plates and a supplementary booklet. The cover motive is a tribute to Ronald Clyne, the seminal designer of album sleeves for the US-label Folkways Records. A numbered edition of 10+1 is signed by the artist and contains a 12″ dubplate especially produced for this
Michael Krebber
“Cologne Art Fair, 1977”
2010, fold out poster, with various colour and b/w illustrations, 119,2 x 84 cm (folded: 19,7 x 21 cm)
out of print
This poster publication edited by Michael Krebber shows documentation material, images and correspondence around a performance project entitled “Irrational Landlordism of Bagdad” by Jack Smith that took place at the Cologne Art Fair in 1977.
Richard Hawkins
“Of two minds, simultaneously”
2009, 162 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 26 x 21 cm
out of print
First comprehensive monograph on Richard Hawkins, published on the occasion of his solo exhibition “Of two minds, simultaneously” at De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam. With an essay by Bruce Hainley, an interview with the artist and an introductory text by the curator Anne Demeester. The book is produced in collaboration with Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Corvi-Mora, Greene Naftali, Richard Telles Fine Art, De Appel Arts Centre.
Michael Krebber
“Respekt Frischlinge, Je suis la chaise, London Condom”
2008, 89 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 17,7 x 12,9 cm
Edition 1000
Euro 18,-
This book is published on the occasion of three exhibitions by Michael Krebber “Respekt Frischlinge” at Galerie Daniel Buchholz, “Je suis la chaise” at Galerie Chantal Crousel, “London Condom” at Maureen Paley.
Florian Pumhösl
2008, 140 pages, fully illustrated in color, Swiss Brochure,
27,5 x 21 cm
Edition 1400
Euro 22,-
This catalogue, published in collaboration with Lisson Gallery, documents Florian Pumhösl’s recent works and exhibitions. Starting from the installation and series of glass paintings entitled “Modernology”, it reflects the artists ongoing involvement with motifs, issues and materials of early non-western avantgardes. While Sabeth Buchmann and Jan Verwoert are discussing Florian Pumhösl’s works and strategies from two different perspectives, Thomas Hackner’s contribution provides an insight into the work of Japanese book artist Onchi Koshiro, whose abstract formal language has become both source and subject of Pumhösl’s mode of depiction.
Special edition: Catalogue in slipcase with sign. and num. photograph. Ex. 100
Tony Conrad
“Yellow Movies”
2008, 80 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 25 x 19 cm
Edition 1200
Euro 28,-
This catalogue is published on the occasion of two exhibitions, one at Galerie Daniel Buchholz in Cologne and the other at Greene Naftali in New York, that presented a group of works by artist, filmmaker and musician Tony Conrad entitled “Yellow Movies”. Alongside an introductory note by Tony Conrad that served as a press release for the two gallery exhibitions, the book contains a new text by Diedrich Diederichsen and a comprehensive documentation of all the “Yellow Movies” still in existence. The catalogue is produced in collaboration with Galerie Daniel Buchholz and Greene Naftali.
Josef Strau
A Dissidence Coincidence But W.H.C.T.J.S
2008, 128 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 21 x 15 cm
out of print
Catalogue for Josef Strau’s exhibition at Malmö Kunsthall featuring the exhibited works, alongside texts by the artist and an interview with Jacob Fabricius, the curator of the exhibition.
Jeroen de Rijke / Willem de Rooij
2008, 254 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated in color, 28 x 21,5 cm
Euro 40,-
Catalogue for the survey exhibition of de Rijke / de Rooij at K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen und MAMBo, Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna with a comprehensive documentation on their works, with new essays by Sabeth Buchmann, Andrea Viliani, and Ann Goldstein.
Dirk von Lowtzow
“Dekade 1993-2007”
2007, 112 pages, 16 colour plates, Owrps, 20 x 16,5 cm
Edition 800
out of print
Dirk von Lowtzow, singer and songwriter of the German band Tocotronic publishes in this book his collected song lyrics from the last 14 years. Dirk von Lowtzow invited his artist friends Cosima von Bonin, Sergej Jensen, Michael Krebber and Henrik Olesen to participate in this publication. The layout of the book has been developed in collaboration with Cosima von Bonin. All artists contribute colour plates of a special selection of works as an hommage to the band.
Peter Doig/Jochen Klein
2006, 56 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 24 x 18 cm
Edition 800
Euro 24,-
This catalog documents the exhibition of Peter Doig and Jochen Klein at our gallery in December 2004 and the new essay by Manfred Hermes in German and English.
Julian Göthe
2005, design for plastic shopping bag for Antiquariat Buchholz
43 x 38 cm
Volume 0
“The sky is thin as paper here”
2005, 280 pages, b/w-xeroxes bound in offset cover,
29,7 x 21 cm
Edition 100
out of print
With contributions i.a.:
Julian Göthe, Cerith Wyn Evans, Isa Genzken, Lukas Duwenhögger, Lucy McKenzie, Bonnie Camplin, Frances Stark, Wolfgang Tillmans, Henrik Olesen, Lars Erik Frank, Florian Pumhösl, Silke Otto-Knapp, Heinz Peter Knes, Michaela Eichwald, Lutz Huelle, Daniel Buchholz, Henning Bohl, Manuela Leinhoß, Peter Abs, Peter Doig, Christopher Williams, Claus Richter, Paulina Olowska, Nairy Baghramian, David Lieske, Thomas Eggerer, Stefan Thater, Willem de Rooij, Jeroen de Rijke, Enrico David, Cheyney Thompson, Sam Lewitt, Richard Hawkins, Michael Kerkmann, Mathias Poledna, Christopher Müller, Nina Könnemann, Jutta Koether, Josef Strau, Katharina Wulff, Tomma Abts.
Michael Krebber
“Außerirdische Zwitterwesen/Alien Hybrid Creatures”
2005, 180 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 21 x 14,5 cm
out of print
“Außerirdische Zwitterwesen/Alien Hybrid Creatures” is a book by Michael Krebber, published on the occasion of a seminar to which the artist had been invited at the Institute for Art History at the University of Cologne in 2003. Beside an introductory text by Michael Krebber and numerous reproductions the publication contains a list of book recommendations on the theme of Dandyism compiled by Oswald Wiener.
Paulina Olowska
2005, 26 coloured cards , 4 b/w cards, in box, 21 x 15 x 2 cm
Edition 100 + 10 AP, signed und numbered
out of print
Edition by Paulina Olowska consisting of 26 colour postcards (one for each letter of the alphabet) on which the artist poses to resemble the shape of a letter. Accompanied by three b/w-postcards with poems by Frances Stark, Josef Strau, Paulus Mazur. All Din A 5 in a specially designed box. The edition has been published for the occasion of a performance at Galerie Meerrettich, Berlin, July 2005.
Josef Strau
“Dear Little Tiger”
2004, 30 pages, b/w-xeroxed brochure, with various illustrations, 21 x 15 cm
Euro 10,-
Xeroxed artist book by Josef Strau that we published on the occasion of the exhibition “Teil I: Müllberg” at our gallery. The brochure contains the second part of a narrative written by the artist under the title “Dear Little Tiger”. The first part “White Nights” has been published in 2003 by Pork Salad Press / Jacob Fabricius in Copenhagen.
Cerith Wyn Evans
“Cerith Wyn Evans”
2004, 172 pages, Owrps, with reproductions in color
17 x 11 cm
out of print
Pocketbook for Cerith Wyn Evans exhibition “Cerith Wyn Evans” at Kunstverein Frankfurt in spring 2004 with texts by Andreas Spiegl, Jan Verwoert, Juliane Rebentisch and an interview with the artist by Manfred Hermes, all texts both in German and in English.
Tomma Abts
2004, 52 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 23 x 17,5 cm
Edition 800
out of print
First publication on the artist Tomma Abts. The book contains an essay by Jan Verwoert, a conversation between Tomma Abts and Peter Doig and color reproductions of ten paintings that have been selected by the artist.
Richard Hawkins
2003, 64 pages, fully illustrated in color, Owrps, 24,5 x 16,5 cm
Edition 1000
out of print
First catalogue on the artist Richard Hawkins, published on the occasion of his solo exhibition at the Kunstverein Heilbronn in September/October 2003. The book includes an essay by Larry Johnson and a text by Richard Hawkins on his most recent paintings, both in English and German.
Jack Goldstein
“Films, Records, Performances and Aphorisms 1971 - 1984”
2003, 93 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 25 x 19 cm
out of print
Book on Jack Goldstein published on the occasion of his first exhibition at our gallery in 2000, with aphorisms by the artist, a new essay by John Miller and an interview by Morgan Fisher. The book also includes a commented list of Jack Goldstein’s films and records.
Silke Otto-Knapp
Orange View
2003, 112 pages, Owrps, 24 x 17 cm
Euro 18,80,-
This book is published on the occasion of Silke Otto-Knapp’s exhibition “Orange View” at Kunstverein Düsseldorf in 2003. With texts by Andreas Spiegl, Jan Verwoert and an interview by Anette Freudenberger, this is the first monograph on the artist’s work. It contains numerous reproductions of Silke Otto-Knapp’s paintings from the years 1999-2003.
Henrik Olesen
“What is Authority?”
2002, 192 pages, Owrps, fully illustrated, 29,5 x 21 cm
out of print
First comprehensive catalogue on Henrik Olesen, published by Pork Salad Press / Jacob Fabricius in Copenhagen.
Lucy McKenzie
“Global Joy”
2002, 58 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 25.5 x 18 cm
Edition 800
Euro 24,-
First book by the artist Lucy McKenzie, published on the occasion of her exhibition at our gallery. With various colour reproductions of paintings/works and reference material, foldout-pages, texts and interviews by the artist in English and German.
Cerith Wyn Evans
“Related Texts”
2001, 93 pages, xeroxed book + 1 ‘Silver Cloud’, Owrps, 86 pages, sign. and num., 29,7 x 21 cm
Edition 20 + 5 AP
out of print
The xeroxed artist book contains texts (e.g. by Georges Bataille and William S. Burroughs) assembled by Cerith Wyn Evans to accompany his exhibition at our gallery in October 2001. Each signed and numbered book comes together with an inflatable “Silver Cloud” as hommage to Andy Warhol.
Kai Althoff
“Ja, Herrkenn mich genau ‘Wo wohnt ihr?’- Ab heute bei dir”
2001, 50 pages, 34 Illustrations, Owrps, 23 x 17 cm
Edition 1500
Euro 24,-
This artist book, entirely conceived and designed by Kai Althoff, features drawings, photographs and installation views of his exhibition ‘Aus Dir’ at Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne.
Wolfgang Tillmans
“Total Solar Eclipse / Totale Sonnenfinsternis”
1999, 48 pages, fully illustrated, Owrps, 30.2 x 20.5 cm
out of print
Artist book published on the occasion of Wolfgang Tillmans‘ exhibition at our gallery in May 1999. The book includes photographs, image material, graphics and texts that the artist produced or assembled on the phenomenon of solar eclipses.