Exhibition and presentation of the new publication

Tony Conrad

“Yellow Movies”

15 April 2008 -
20 April 2008

Art Cologne

Tony Conrad

installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

“Yellow Movie 1/12-13/73”, 1973
Emulsion: Sterling gray low lustre Enamel, thick textured Base: Pitch black seamless paper
242.57 x 251.46 cm
installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

“Yellow Movie 1/12-13/73”, 1973
Emulsion: Sterling gray low lustre Enamel, thick textured Base: Pitch black seamless paper
242.57 x 251.46 cm
installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

“Deep Fried, 7360”, 1973
film in film can
h=4.5, Ø19.5cm
installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

”Pickled E.K. 7302-244-0502 (#3)“, 2006
”Pickled E.K. 7302-244-0502 (#10)“, 2006
pickled celluloid film strip in preserving jar
installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

Untitled, 1977
collage, photo corner
and stamp on paper
30,3 x 22,7 cm
installation view Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Art Cologne 2008

Tony Conrad

Untitled, 1977
collage, photo corner
and stamp on paper
30,3 x 22,7 cm