Scorched Earth
“Too Early, Too Late”
opening reception on Friday,
5 May, 7-9 pm
Galerie Daniel Buchholz
Neven-DuMont-Str. 17 50667 Köln
Tel 0221-2574946 Fax 253351
Scorched Earth
5 May - 3 June 2006
opening reception on Friday, 5 May, 7-9 pm
Scorched Earth is a twelve issue Magazine in which the question of drawing’s place in theory and practice is addressed in dialogue with artists, critics and historians. All twelve issues of Scorched Earth will be printed and published after approximately one year in its full Twelve-issue cycle. During the upcoming year, Scorched Earth will maintain a storefront at 41 Ludlow Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The storefront is used for panel discussions, lectures, occasional exhibitions, and more generally as an editorial center, The Editors of Scorched Earth are Gareth James, Sam Lewitt and Cheyney Thompson.
Scorched Earth
“Too Early, Too Late”, 2006
window display
installation view Antiquariat Buchholz, Köln 2006
Scorched Earth
“Too Early, Too Late”, 2006
window display
installation view Antiquariat Buchholz, Köln 2006